Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Price Matching at Walmart, 4/18-4/22

Here's another weeks worth of fruit and veggie price matching at the ol' Wally World!  Don't forget to double check this stuff as I am human and can make mistakes!

Apples (red delicious) .50/lb PROS
Artichoke .88/ea SFM
Avocados .20/ea FC *Fri/Sat only* then .33/ea SFM
Bananas .33/lb PROS *Wed only*
Bell Peppers (green) .17/ea FC, (red/yellow/orange) .88/ea SPROUTS
Blackberries (6oz) 1.50/ea SFM
Broccoli .88/lb SPROUTS
Cabbage (green) .33/lb FC
Cantaloupe 2.00/ea SFM *Wed only*
Carrots (1 lb bag baby carrots) .89/ea PROS, (bulk) .33/lb FC
Cauliflower .50/lb PROS
Celery .25/ea ES *Wed only*
Cilantro .50/ea ALB
Corn (whole) .25/ea ES *Wed only*, (canned, Springfield) .49/ea PROS
Cucumbers .12/ea PROS *Wed only* and ES *Sat/Sun only*
Eggplant .88/ea SPROUTS
Grapefruit .25/ea ES
Green onion .50/ea ALB
Honeydew melon 2.00/ea SFM *Wed only*
Kiwi .17/ea ES *Wed only*
Lettuce (iceberg) .25/ea FC, (red/green/romaine) .88/ea SPROUTS
Limes .50/lb ES
Mangos .33/ea ES
Onion (brown) .16/lb FC *Wed only* then .17/lb PROS, (sweet/yellow) .50/lb SPROUTS
Pears (d'anjou) .50/lb ES
Pineapple .50/lb ES (Walmart sells as "each", so just weigh it first and tell them the price) or 1.97/ea BASH
Potatoes (russet, 10lb bag) 1.99/ea ES, (russet/bulk) .49/lb FC, (red) .79/lb FRYS
Radishes .50/ea ALB
Strawberries (1lb) .99/ea PROS
Squash (Italian) .33/lb ES *Wed only* then .88/lb SPROUTS, (gray/yellow) .88/lb SPROUTS
Tangerine .50/lb PROS
Tomatoes (large) .25/lb ES *Wed only*, (hothouse/vine) .50/lb S&F or .77/lb FRYS
Watermelon (seedless) .17/lb PROS
Yams .33/lb PROS

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Price Matching at Walmart, 4/11-4/17

It's Wednesday again, which means I'm up to my usual price-matching mischief.  I'll try and post my fruits/veggies price list each Wednesday, but no promises.  So here's the list for 4/11-4/17.  Oh, and this is only for the Arizona folks...

Apples (Gala) .33/lb EL SUPER *Wed only*

Artichoke .97/ea SFM
Avocados .20/ea FC *Fri/Sat/Sun only* then .33/ea BASHAS
Bananas .33/lb BASHAS
Bell Peppers (green) .20/ea FC, (red) .49/ea SPROUTS *Wed only* then .88/ea FRYS, (yellow/orange) .88/ea SPROUTS
Broccoli .33/lb EL SUPER *Wed only* then 1.00/lb FRYS
Cabbage (green) .33/lb FC
Cantaloupe .33/lb EL SUPER or 1.99/ea FRYS
Carrots (bulk) .22/lb EL SUPER *Wed only* then .33/lb FC
Cauliflower .88/lb SPROUTS
Celery .88/ea SPROUTS
Cilantro .50/ea SFM *Wed only*
Corn (whole) .20/ea ALB
Cucumbers .12/ea PRM *Wed only* then .20/ea FC, (hothouse english) .88/ea FRYS
Eggplant .88/ea SPROUTS
Grapefruit .33/ea FC
Grapes (red) 1.29/lb EL SUPER
Green beans .59/lb SFM *Wed only*
Green onion .50/ea SFM *Wed only*
Honeydew melon 2.00/ea SFM
Lettuce (iceburg) .33/ea PRM *Wed only*, (romaine/green/red) .88/ea SPROUTS
Limes .33/lb PRM *Wed only* (Walmart sells per lime, so figure out a price) then .49/lb FC
Mangos .50/ea EL SUPER
Mushrooms (8oz package) .99/ea EL SUPER
Onion (brown) .14/lb PRM *Wed only* then .16/lb FC, (sweet/yellow) .50/lb FRYS
Parsley .50/ea SFM *Wed only*
Pears (bosc) .33/lb EL SUPER *Wed only*, (anjou) .50/lb FC
Pineapple .97/ea SFM *Wed only* then 2.00/ea SFM
Potatoes (white) .50/lb FC, (russet) .49/lb SPROUTS *Wed only* then .50/lb SPROUTS
Radishes .25/ea PRM
Squash (Italian) .50/lb EL SUPER, (Mex.) .33/lb EL SUPER *Wed only* then .49/lb FC, (yellow) .88/lb SPROUTS
Strawberries (16oz) .99/ea SPROUTS
Tomatoes (large) .33/lb EL SUPER, (roma) .25/lb PRM
Watermelon (seedless) .20/lb EL SUPER, (seeded) .20/lb FC, (mini seedless) 1.50/ea FRYS
Yams (red/jewel) .99/lb SPROUTS *Wed only*
Zucchini 1.00/lb SAFEWAY

The stores I used are El Supermarket, Pro's Ranch Market, Sunflower Market, Sprouts, Albertons, Bashas, Food City, Fry's, and Safeway.  No go save some money and eat healthy!

*as a side note, the ads for Sunflower Market and Sprouts are actually valid Wednesday to Wednesday, so any prices from those stores that are marked *Wed only* are actually from last week's ad.  If this price comes into question with a cashier, kindly explain to them that it is valid and too look at the ad.  Good luck!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Price Matching at Walmart (Arizona)

I thought I'd change things up a bit and provide you with part of my weekly grocery shopping!  This list is only the fruits and veggies, but Walmart will actually price match any advertised price from a competitor on any product.  The only catch is, they have to sell it in the same fasion (for example, pineapples are sold per pineapple, not per pound like some other stores).  So, everything I have listed here is valid until Tuesday, April 10th.  Print this list out, take it with you to Walmart, and load up on the fruits and veggies!
Apples (Fuji) .50/lb EL SUPER, (golden delicious) .33/lb FC
Asparagus .98/lb FRYS
Avocados .17/ea EL SUPER *Wed only* then .20/ea FC *Fri/Sat/Sun only
Bananas .25/lb PRM
Bell Peppers (red) .49/ea SPROUTS , (yellow/orange) .88/ea SPROUTS *Wed only*
Blackberries (6oz) .99/ea SPROUTS *Wed only*
Broccoli .50/lb PRM
Cabbage (green) .20/lb PRM, (red) .50/lb SFM *Wed only*
Canned Veggies (Libby's) .50/ea FC *Fri/Sat/Sun only*
Carrots .25/lb EL SUPER
Cauliflower .78/lb FRYS
Celery .88/ea SPROUTS
Cilantro .17/ea FC
Cucumbers .12/ea PRM *Wed only* then .14/ea EL SUPER
Grapefruit .25/ea EL SUPER
Grapes (red) .99/lb EL SUPER *Wed only*, (green) .99/lb SFM *Wed only*
Green beans .59/lb SFM
Green onion .33/ea EL SUPER
Lettuce (Iceburg) .25/ea FC, (red/green) .88/ea SPROUTS *Wed only*, (romaine) .99/ea SFM
Limes .10/ea EL SUPER
Mangos .25/ea PRM *Fri/Sat/Sun only* then .33/ea EL SUPER
Onion (white) .50/lb EL SUPER, (red) .88/lb SPROUTS *Wed only*, (yellow) .50/lb SFM *Wed only*
Parsley .50/ea SFM
Pears (D'anjou) .33/lb EL SUPER *Wed only*
Pineapple .97/ea SFM
Potatoes (russet) .49/lb SPROUTS, (russet 5 lb bag) .77/ea FRYS
Radishes .25/ea PRM
Strawberries 1.25/ea SPROUTS
Squash (Mex.) .33/lb EL SUPER *Wed only*, (Italian) .49/lb FC
Tomatoes (large) .25/lb EL SUPER, (Roma) .25/lb PRM
Watermelon (mini seedless) 2.50/ea FRYS
Yams .49/lb FC
PRM = Pro's Ranch Market, SFM = Sunflower Market, FC = Food City, BASH = Bashas, ALB's = Albertsons, FRYS = Frys (obviously!), SPROUTS = Sprouts (again, obviously!), and EL SUPER = El Supermarket
*Just a organized when you are checking out.  If you separate your price matching from your non-price matching stuff and make it easy for the cashier, they will appreciate it and won't give you a hard time by looking up all the prices in the ads.  All of these prices have been double checked and are valid, so don't be discouraged if they do need/want to double check.